Residency and Citizenship by Investment
Residency by investment allows wealthy investors to earn residency or citizenship in a new jurisdiction by making a qualified investment. These investments can be in the form of a real estate purchase, placing money directly into the jurisdiction’s government, or any approved investment. With this citizenship or residency, many investors take advantage of easy travel for business and leisure and open up their investment and banking options. Others will use their new residence or citizenship as a backup plan in case something happens back home. There are so many benefits to earning a visa or passport to a new country via investment. Malta has proven to be one of those places. This beautiful Meditteranean country is a door to global markets, and it’s an amazing place to live. Below we outline the newest citizenship by investment program offered by the Maltese government.Malta Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment (MEIN)
Malta has proven to be an excellent destination for investors for years, with a low cost of living, favorable tax laws, and attractive citizenship by investment program. It was so popular that the old program hit its limit of 1800 successful applicants. At the end of 2020, a new program was introduced, known as the Malta citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment (MEIN). This investment program allows foreign individuals and their families to earn a Certificate of Naturalization by making significant contributions to the country’s economic development. The details of the contribution can be found below. Like the old residency by investment option, there is a limit to how many applicants can earn citizenship. The Maltese government is granting citizenship to 400 applicants per year and capping the total number of applicants at 1500. With this citizenship, an investor and their family will be able to live, work, and study anywhere in the EU. Since it is part of the EU, passport holders will have access to 180 countries visa-free, including the United States and Canada. This is great since Malta has excellent public schools, universities, hospitals, and public transportation. Malta is a great place to raise a family. Also, after you earn citizenship, you can establish a business. The country is a financial hub and an excellent jurisdiction for international business, with access to markets in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Further, the tax system has many incentives for investors, including full imputation for company shareholders. Find out more about relocating to Malta. In order to qualify for the MEIN program, applicants will need to meet certain requirements that the Community Malta Agency determined. To qualify, applicants must:1.Be 18 years of age or older
2. Make a qualifying investment
Applicants must make a non-refundable investment directly to the National Development and Social Fund, which the government puts together. It is used to fund public health, education, social improvement, and more. If the applicant has lived in the country for 36 months, the investment must be at least €600,000. For those residing in the country for 12 months, the investment is at least €750,000. Each dependent will require an additional €50,000 contribution.
3. Find a residence
The applicant must purchase a property with a value of €700,000 in the county, which must be held for at least five years. The applicant cannot sublet or sell the residence during those five years. The other option is to lease a residence with a rental value of at least €16,000 annually. Real estate prices are relatively low, and it can be easy to find a place to call home.
4. Make a donation
Interested investors must donate at least €10,000 to an organization that the Community Malta Agency approves. Donations are also accepted at register cultural, scientific, sport, philanthropic, or animal welfare charitable organizations.
5. Obtain a valid residence card
When purchasing a residence, the investor will receive a residence document known as the e-ID card.
6. Verify health
Applicants and their family members seeking citizenship will have to prove to be in good health.
Since this program is elite, the government is only considering investors of high society and moral standing. Applicants and their families will be required to pass stages of strict due diligence to ensure the highest standing applicants are granted citizenship. Remember, there are only 400 successful applicants per year under the MEIN program. Depending on the applicant’s residence status, the whole process can take 12-36 months.Relocate to Malta with Alpen Partners International
Are you interested in the relocation services offered by Alpen Partners International? We work with clients worldwide who want to improve their lives through investment and wealth management. Citizenship by investment in Malta is a proven way to increase your quality of life and grow your wealth. When you are ready to go, we can help every step of the way. Our experts can guide you through moving to the location of your dreams, whether it’s Malta or anywhere else in the world. We will examine your goals and help you find the best place for you. We have partnerships with world-class residency and relocation lawyers and will examine your current financial and personal situation and help you determine which destination is right for you. Beyond relocation, our team is prepared to guide you through all the personal and financial planning you need. If you feel trapped by your local investment options and want to spread your wings a bit, consider relocating to Malta with Alpen Partners International. All investments involve certain risks. All investments carry the potential for financial loss, including the loss of the principal amount invested. Past performance should not be viewed as an indicator of future results. Market conditions and broader economic factors can significantly impact the value of investments. Investments in international markets are subject to additional risks, such as currency exchange fluctuations, political or economic instability, and variations in accounting practices. Alternative investments, including but not limited to hedge funds, private equity, and real estate, may be illiquid, speculative, and are not suitable for all investors. The above information should be considered before making any investment decisions. All posts and publications are for your information only and are not intended as an offer, promotion, or solicitation to buy or sell any financial instrument or perform any other financial transactions. All information and opinions expressed in posts and publications reflect our current views as of the date of the publication and may be liable to change without notice.Interested? Contact us now
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