Offshore investment with an added perk
Are you looking for your retirement destination? Maybe you just want a passport that allows more visa-free travel. You could also be looking for offshore investments with some added perks. Gaining residency through investment is one of the most popular ways to expatriate. Countries worldwide offer programs that allow individuals to make investments in real estate, the job market, reforestation, and more. In exchange, the investors gain residency and, oftentimes, citizenship. Investors can use this freedom to escape from the high taxes of their hometown, find a retirement haven, or use a second passport to travel the world.Expatriating
Expatriating offers many benefits to investors that are both good for your finances and can provide an invaluable cultural experience. Expatriation may involve relocating to a jurisdiction like Switzerland, Monaco, Dubai, or Singapore. These jurisdictions are usually preferred for their low tax rates, safety, and investor-friendly environments. In terms of financial planning, expatriating can be a lucrative step in a fiscally responsible retirement. The cost of living, tax benefits, and quality of life are all reasons to spend your retirement years abroad. At Alpen Partners, we are well-versed in the financial planning that goes into retirement. A good retirement plan takes years of careful saving and sound investing to live a carefree life after paid work. By spending your retirement abroad, you are allowing yourself to obtain the most out of all the work you put into saving. Many countries boast low costs of living. When it comes to retirement planning, you may be able to fit in a more active lifestyle when the cost of an apartment or home can be as low as one-third of what it may cost in popular retirement areas back home. Don’t take a hit to your lifestyle. Retirees that moved abroad have found that they’ve been able to live a life that they never thought they’d be able to because of how expensive it can be.European Citizenship by Investment
How to become a citizen of Monaco? Choosing a low-cost jurisdiction as your offshore investment destination is ideal. Monaco has been seen as such for years. The country ultimately did away with income tax way back in 1869. This makes Monaco Europe’s only sovereign zero-tax jurisdiction. Monaco’s residency-by-investment program allows individuals to gain citizenship by placing a €500,000 deposit into a bank account in Monaco. The residency visa application can typically take roughly three months to complete and often is accompanied by several compliance and due diligence tests. In the application, individuals will provide proof of lease or purchase agreement and sufficient funds to live in Monaco. If a resident is looking to get citizenship, they will have to reside in the country for at least ten years and must renounce any sovereign nationality. How to get Switzerland citizenship? As one of the most sought-after countries to live in, many are happy to hear there is a residency-by-investment program in Switzerland. With Swiss residency, investors are offered visa-free travel within Europe, privacy and freedom, and a picturesque destination for wealthy retirees and families. To attract wealthy foreign investment, the Swiss government has opened residence permits for wealthy individuals and qualified workforce. To qualify, an investor must prove they have at least USD 1 million at their disposal before applying. The investor can gain the residency permit by either creating a Swiss company or paying a lump sum taxation (LST) fee that can be as low as USD 170,000 or CHF 150,000. After twelve years of continuous residence, the investor can begin the naturalization process. During this time, the individual will have to show integration with the Swiss society and way of life and proof of good character. Switzerland also allows for dual citizenship, so the applicants will not have to renounce their current nationality. Portugal’s golden visa On October 6th, 2023, Portugal’s government enacted the “Mais Habitação Law,” significantly reforming the Golden Visa program by eliminating real estate investments as a pathway to obtaining a Golden Visa. Despite these changes, the program remains active with revised investment options, such as venture capital funds, job creation, and support for artistic production or cultural heritage. These shifts aim to address housing affordability issues and redirect investments towards broader economic and cultural benefits. Existing Golden Visa holders’ rights remain intact, including renewals, family reunification, and applications for permanent residency. New investment pathways include capital transfers of €500,000 or more in qualifying non-real estate venture capital funds, creating at least ten jobs, and investing in research activities. Additionally, investors can support artistic and cultural development through capital transfers of €250,000 or more, or by forming commercial companies with significant capital and job creation. These changes reflect the government’s intention to diversify investments into areas that can drive broader economic and cultural benefits. The Portuguese government also plans to reintroduce the “Non-Habitual Resident” scheme to attract skilled workers, offering tax breaks on Portuguese-sourced income and foreign income. This scheme, originally launched in 2009, was extended until the end of 2024 for those prepared to move to Portugal in 2023. While the “Mais Habitação Law” has altered the Golden Visa program by removing real estate options, it continues to offer viable investment pathways. Prospective applicants must navigate this new landscape with careful consideration of the revised investment criteria, as Portugal aims to balance attracting foreign investment with addressing housing market concerns.Other Citizenship by Investment
How to get Dubai (UAE) citizenship? The United Arab Emirates is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with an economy based on oil reserves. With the seventh-highest GDP per capita, there’s no question why wealthy individuals would want to seek residency, especially in the city of Dubai, an emerging business center and tourist hotspot. Like Portugal, Dubai also offers a Golden Visa. For those looking to earn the investor visa, which grants temporary residence to the holder, the investor must deposit 10,000 AED or 20,000 AED with the UAE government. A real estate investment of at least 1 million AED (around USD 270,000) will also suffice. Applicants will also have to prove sufficient funds to live in the country. The residence lasts for up to three years, but if the investor invests at least 10 million AED, the residence lasts ten years. During this time, investors can start their own business or begin investing in an existing one and individuals to work and live in the country. How to get UK citizenship? The United Kingdom is a beautiful, multicultural nation with high standards for education, healthcare, and business. The UK offers a non-domiciled (non-dom) residence for foreigners living in the country. This means the resident will be considered a tax resident; their domicile remains in their home country. With non-dom status, residence in the UK is indefinite. The Tier 1 Investor Visa grants investors residency through an investment of £2 million. This residency lasts for three years and four months. After this time, they can apply to extend the time a further two years. After six years, the resident can apply for citizenship. How to get Costa Rica citizenship? Many expats, both retirees and investors, choose to seek second-residency love in Costa Rica. Though there have been a few more restrictions over the years, for the most part, anyone with a $2,500 monthly income can be a resident of the country. You’ll come for the easy residency but stay for the beaches, jungles, and landscape. The residency by investment program requires investors to place $200,000 into real estate, a construction project, or any other approved investment. After making the investment, individuals must also pass a background check. How to get Panama citizenship? Panama is one of the most affordable residencies an investor can receive from a top 50 country. As a United States, United Kingdom, or European Union citizen, residency is easy and affordable through Panama’s Friendly Nations Reforestation Visa Program. With a $40,000 investment in an approved reforestation program, the investor and their family acquire residency. This residency becomes permanent after five years. If the investor places $80,000, they can earn permanent status after one year. Citizenship cannot directly be earned through this program, but after five years, the investor and their family can apply for citizenship and a passport. How to get Cyprus citizenship? A two-million-euro investment in Cyprus real estate, government bonds, a bank deposit in a local bank, or investment in a new company will gain you quick and easy citizenship into this EU country. The investor must also own a 500,000 euro home in Cyprus as a residence. It’s the government’s way of ensuring those earning citizenship aren’t doing so just for the passport. The applicant must make the investment prior to beginning the application process. How to get Canadian citizenship? Globally, Canada is admired as one of the easiest countries to start a business in. Therefore many investors seek residency through investment. With Canadian residency, an applicant can grant $800,000 to the Canadian government that will act as an interest-free loan that will be paid back after five years. This will grant you an immediate permanent Canadian residency. After three-to-five years, the investor can apply for full Canadian citizenship. Are you trying to find an international investment that will not only achieve your financial goals but gain you international freedom? Contact the expert team at Alpen Partners. Our skilled advisors will assist you every step of the way of your expatriation journey. While we made it sound easy, there can be several legal and financial obstacles that can get in the way. Our experts use a hands-on approach to ensure your success. For more information on seeking residency abroad, contact Alpen Partners below! All investments involve certain risks. All investments carry the potential for financial loss, including the loss of the principal amount invested. Past performance should not be viewed as an indicator of future results. Market conditions and broader economic factors can significantly impact the value of investments. Investments in international markets are subject to additional risks, such as currency exchange fluctuations, political or economic instability, and variations in accounting practices. Alternative investments, including but not limited to hedge funds, private equity, and real estate, may be illiquid, speculative, and are not suitable for all investors. The above information should be considered before making any investment decisions. All posts and publications are for your information only and are not intended as an offer, promotion, or solicitation to buy or sell any financial instrument or perform any other financial transactions. All information and opinions expressed in posts and publications reflect our current views as of the date of the publication and may be liable to change without notice.Interested? Contact us now
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